The Orange County Hiking Club, is a charitable 501(c)(3) nonprofit which exists to promote physical, mental
and emotional wellness through connection with nature. In addition to outdoor recreation for our members, OC
Hiking Club nurtures stewardship that protects trails for future generations and provides education,
encouragement and nature-empowerment for people of all ages, families and at-risk youth through mentorship
and leadership development in the outdoors.
California offers abundant outdoor adventures for beginning to advanced hikers and backpackers.
Whether you are camping in the desert, spending a day at the beach, or hiking the tallest mountain in the contiguous United States, you will want to be prepared for the weather, terrain and wildlife you may experience along the way!
Click Below
Heat And Sun Safety Tips
Altitude Sickness
Snakes In Southern California
Cold And Snow
Hiking On Rough Or Rocky Terrain
Bugs, spiders & Scorpions In Southern California
Plants in Southern California
General Hiking Safety Tips in California
- Never Hike Alone!
- Wear proper footwear
- Hydrate liberally
- Wear a hat and sunscreen
- If you see a rattlesnake on the trail, keep your distance and leave it alone
A 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Copyright © 2006 to Present OC Hiking
Club/Hike Everywhere, All rights reserved. Distribution or publication of
this site's content without prior written permission is prohibited.